Registered user since Sun 27 Jan 2019
Zhengwei Qi is the Professor in SJTU’s School of Software, a member of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems. Before joining SJTU, he was a Ph.D student at the department of Computer Science at SJTU. He received a Ph.D degree (’05) from the SJTU for his thesis on the formal method in distributed systems , under the guidance of Prof. Jinyuan You.
Zhengwei’s research interest is trusted computer systems: Android’s performance/security analysis, automatic testing, virtual machines/containers, cloud and mobile computing, GPU/FPGA virtualizations. The home page for the Trusted Cloud Group describes current projects.
From January to July of ’08, he focused on the LTL based dynamic program analysis as a visiting teacher in the system group of Microsoft Research Asia. From ’11 to ’12, he was a visiting scholar in CMU SCS, hosted by Professor Edmund M. Clarke, who is a recipient with Allen Emerson and Joseph Sifakis of the 2007 ACM Turing Award.
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
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